
Insights into Methyl Ethyl Ketone Oxide: Physical and Chemical Aspects

MEKO's (Methyl Ethyl Ketone Oxide) hidden potential: a game-changer in paint preservation, adhesive strength, but navigate its risks wisely. Discover its wide-ranging applications across industries, but be aware of its potential hazards.

August 21, 2022

An organic chemical available in a colourless form is known as methyl ethyl ketone. The oxime derivative of this liquid is known as methylethyl ketone oxime (MEKO).

Though the oxime derivative might not be known to you, the primary compound from which MEKO is derived is popularly used in several industries. 

Many times you have kept the unused paints for a considerable time. But to your surprise, when you used it later, you did not find any skinning on its surface. 

The prime reason for this is the use of MEKO.

Physical property

Methyl ethyl ketone oxime is an organic compound with the formula C2H5C(NOH)CH3. The boiling point of this substance is 152OC, the melting point is -15OC, and the density is about 923g/m3. 

Being completely colourless it can be readily mixed or complied with other chemicals as no trace of it can be detected by the naked eyes.

It is a biodegradable substance that will not remain in the environment for a long time.

Chemical reactivity

A highly flammable substance, it can decompose at elevated temperatures (< 120OC). MEKO reacts to heat efficiently.

It might explode s well if you kept it near the acidic impurities. It is sensitive to oxidizing agents and responds quickly to sulphuric acid to form an explosive product.


Despite methylethyl ketone oxime being so reactive and harmful, it is used in various industries in a restricted manner and specific proportion. 

Some of the areas where this is applied are mentioned below for your reference.

1. The painting industry incorporates this substance in oil and latex paints and coating for its anti-skinning feature.

2. It is also an isocyanate blocking agent in primers for automobile painting jobs. 

3. Since it can resist high temperatures and be resistant to water, it is also used as a curing agent for silicon rubber. 

4. The manufacturing of resins and synthetic rubber is much easier after using this substance as a hardener for them.

5. This compound is also corrosive in nature, so you can use it to remove worn-out paints and coatings from the external surface of wood and metals like iron and steel.

6.  The adhesives and sealants can be high-quality if this substance is used to block the isocyanate in polyurethanes.

Harmful effects

Methyl ethyl ketone oxime has many adverse effects, which you can experience if you inhale or intake it.

1. Cough, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, numbness, and slow breathing are some significant symptoms you may encounter when you smell it constantly.

2. Your skin may become dry if it comes in contact with this substance.

3. Redness of eyes and its paining is another issue which you may face if this substance reaches your eyes.

How can you protect yourself from it?

From the facts mentioned above, you have come to know how harmful methyl ethyl ketone oxime is. Hence, you need to take enough precautions while handling it.

1. The partial or complete covering face mask, a whole body suit that is non-reactive to this chemical, and gloves of good quality are to be worn when you use this compound at any place.

2. You should not expose it near open flames and smoking spots as it is highly flammable. Using non-sparking hand tools is a better way to deal with this substance.

3. Wearing safety goggles will protect your eyes from this hazardous compound.

This simple yet informative article is an eye opener for you about methyl ethyl ketone oxime. In the future, when you are planning to purchase this compound, make sure you contact a reputed
supplier with years of experience in this field.

This move on your part will enable you to procure suitable quality substances at a reasonable price from a reliable source.

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