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A knowledge-driven chemical company offering extensive chemical distribution & manufacturing solutions to clients worldwide.
A team of driven entrepreneurs lead from the front with a vision to succeed.
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Rich entrepreneurial history meets forward-looking vision at a Group where success is illuminated by the light of knowledge.
BULK DISTRIBUTION: Bulk distribution solutions earmarked by quality, reliability and trust.
CONTRACT MANUFACTURING: Contract manufacturing of specialty chemicals that meet exact customer requirements.
PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS: Performance chemicals developed and manufactured through meticulous precision and innovation.
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Opportunities to work in a thriving workplace that encourages innovation and nurtures talent.
Preparing a future-ready team of professionals with capabilities to take on any challenge thrown at them.
HS Code : 32062000 | CAS NO. : -
Chrome pigments are largely derived from lead compounds and have a range of properties such as high color strength, high solubility, highly concentrated and are non reactive.
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